Pseudopersonendaten: Face-Swap Porn
Ein interessanter Artikel in WIRED zeigt das Problem von Pseudopersonendaten auf sehr grafische Weise.
"Face-swap porn may be deeply, personally humiliating for the people whose likeness is used, but it's technically not a privacy issue. That's because, unlike a nude photo filched from the cloud, this kind of material is bogus. You can’t sue someone for exposing the intimate details of your life when it’s not your life they’re exposing".
People Can Put Your Face on Porn—and the Law Can't Help You
- Emma Grey Ellis, Wired 26.01.2018
Hier geht es zum Artikel in Motherboard, auf den sich der Beitrag bezieht: AI-Assisted Fake Porn Is Here and We’re All Fucked
- Samantha Cole, Motherboard, 11.12.2017